I do not consider myself to be an expert when it comes to editing, but one thing I know is that I have a heart for this work. I sacrifice a lot of my time to ensure that my clients receive what they need to reach the next level. I find it so infuriating to hear about other editors that do not treat their clients and this great work with respect. I will never forget how it felt to sit down at my desk on Saturdays for nine to over 12 hours editing my dissertation. I was so tired yet determined to reach the phinish line.
For me to be blessed to manage this consultancy brings my heart such joy. I never dreamed that I would be doing this, but here I am. I decided a while ago that I would stop marketing my services. I do make posts about it from time to time, but I believe that God always sends me the clients that He wants me to work with. The consistent referrals keep me quite busy.
I am learning to pace myself and to not take on too much. My Sweet Gran often reminded me that, "Rome was not built in a day." I am determined to honor her legacy by continuing to work hard at all my hands find to do.
Until next time,
Peace and blessings
Dr. A.C.